When you think of anxiety, you probably focus on all of the negative aspects, such as constant worry, and restlessness. However, there are also many ways that experiencing anxiety can be helpful. Below are 5 benefits of anxiety that you may often overlook.

What Is Anxiety

Anxiety refers to feelings of nervousness, unease, or fear about something future oriented, usually with an unknown outcome. It is normal and helpful to experience anxiety when encountering a dangerous situation. During periods of major change and stressful life events, it is common for most people to experience some form of anxiety. Anxiety can be felt physically as well as emotionally. You may experience tightness in your chest, difficulty breathing, and sweaty palms as well as racing thoughts and feelings of dread. Although persistent anxiety can interfere with your ability to function effectively, having some anxiety can actually be very beneficial.

1. Anxiety Can Help Keep You Safe

One of the benefits of anxiety is that it can help keep you safe. When you feel anxious, your amygdala kicks in to assess the situation for danger. This is the instinctual fight-flight-or freeze response that takes over to keep you safe when you become afraid. In a life-threatening scenario, you will respond by running away, fighting for your life, or playing dead. By doing one of these three things, you have a better chance of surviving. If you pay attention to this fear, or anxiety, you can be alerted to danger and take action to keep yourself safe. 

2. Anxiety Can Alert You To Things That Need Addressing

Anxiety can alert you to things that need addressing so you can make a positive change. If you feel anxious about your job or relationship and can’t stop worrying about it, some adjustments may be necessary. Anxiety can help you notice problems in many areas of your life. It requires you to do something in order for the uncomfortable feelings to subside. This can lead you to making a beneficial change that can help you lead a more fulfilling life. If you are always stressed out about your finances, anxiety can motivate you to create a better budget and save more money. This way you can be more responsible with your finances, which can help decrease your worry and anxiety.

3. Anxiety Can Be Motivating

Motivation is also a benefit of anxiety. If you are feeling anxious about a specific outcome, you can be more motivated to prepare. Without a little fear, you will be unlikely to put forth the effort required to achieve success. For instance, if you are worried about getting a good grade on a test, you will probably put more time and effort into studying. Those who don’t experience anxiety may not be as motivated to prepare for the test. Anxiety can also help you focus more on the task at hand, which can improve your performance. Along with focus, anxiety can help you forgo other activities so you are more likely to accomplish your goals.

4. Anxiety Can Help You Consider All The Options

If you experience anxiety, you are probably able to imagine a variety of different outcomes based on which steps you decide to take. This can help you formulate a very detailed initial plan, as well as a number of back-up plans that help you reach your goals. Because you are very good at anticipating a variety of different results for any given situation, you can be a very effective leader. It is unlikely that you will be caught off guard, or that something unexpected will deter you. Since you are able to consider possible obstacles, you also know what you need to do to overcome them. You are a cautious thinker, careful planner, and good decision maker. This helps others rely on your judgment and trust in your abilities.

5. Anxiety Can Improve Empathy

If you experience anxiety, you have a greater understanding of the toll it can take on an individual’s mental health. It will be easier for you to show compassion for friends and family members facing personal struggles. You may easily attune to others suffering and empathize with their pain. Because of this, others may seek you out when they are suffering. Your ability to understand things from someone else’s point of view can enable you to provide meaningful assistance that helps others feel understood and valued. This empathic response can strengthen your interpersonal relationships and ability to connect with others on a deeper level.

When you notice yourself becoming anxious, try and remember these 5 benefits of anxiety. Doing this can help you focus less on the worry and restlessness related to anxiety. However, if anxiety is having a negative impact on your quality of life, therapy can help. Remembering the positive things about anxiety can help you manage the negative parts more effectively. This way you can use the benefits of anxiety to your advantage.

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